By: Ryan M. Place

Marc Hulet, retired Senior Investigator for the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office (aka: the Detroit Morgue)
Papa Hulet, as he is affectionately called by friends and family, has had a remarkable career investigating suspicious deaths of all types. Homicides, suicides, autoerotic asphyxiation, gang victims, Mafia killings, blunt force trauma, stabbings, thermal burns, meth lab explosions, scraping brain matter off walls with putty knives, etc, you name it, Marc Hulet has handled it. “Decomp fluid, worst smell in the world. It’s the stickiest oiliest shit imaginable”, he says. “I’ve also fallen into the Detroit River while getting a body out of the water. It’s not very pleasant to surface gasping for air next to bobbing corpses.”
Born in 1951 in Pontiac, Hulet attended Stevenson Livonia High School before attending Central Michigan University 1969-1973. Hulet was a Sigma Tau Gamma, graduated with a B.S. in Public Health Education and stayed inside the jock dorm Barnard Hall, “CMU was a great baseball school. Serial killer John Norman Collins stayed inside Barnard Hall when he went to CMU back in ’66. He then went to EMU and pledged Theta Chi and the saying at the time when I was in school was ‘Be a Thete and kill your date’ because of Collins.”